If you’re a Windows OS user then maybe you’ve faced many annoying error codes and issues and one such error code is “0x0 0x0”. It is one of the most common and annoying windows error codes faced by users.

In case you’re also facing this windows error code while working on your PC and wondering how to fix it or what this error means then you’re at the right stop. Here in this article, we will be going to tell you how to fix the “0x0 0x0” Windows error code along with its most common causes.

If you’re interested in this article then keep reading it and you will get all your answers shortly. But before moving to the main topic and starting discussing the fixes let us first define the meaning of this error along with several common causes.

What does the “0x0 0x0” Error mean on Windows?

There are several different error codes that Windows users face while running some operations on their PC. The 0x0 0x0 Error code is related to the failure of the windows system which is commonly caused by faulty software or other elements.

The error message appears on the user’s screen while trying to join the windows insider program. The error message that appears on the screen is as follows:Sorry! Something went wrong…. we’re not quite sure what it is. To learn more about it, please check the Feedback Center for notifications or browse the Answers forum. This error code may be useful: 0x0 0x0.”

What Causes the “0x0 0x0” Error on Windows?

If you’re facing the 0x0 0x0 error on your Windows OS then that means the problem is with your system. The “0x0 0x0” error code is one of the problems that users may encounter as a result of incorrect or failed software installation or uninstallation, which can result in invalid entries in system items.

There can be several different reasons why you’re facing this error while working on your windows system. But some of the most common causes are:

  • Failed Installation or Removal of a Software.
  • Damage boot Files in your Windows OS.
  • Presence of Virus or Malware on your system that affects or malfunctioned your OS.
  • Change in the system software that damaged your windows OS.

Also Read: Easy Ways to Fix 0x8000400000000002 Error on Windows 10

How to Fix Windows Error Code “0x0 0x0”?

If you’re not a specialist in computers then we recommend you to try asking for help from some experienced software specialist or someone with good technical knowledge. As they can fix this problem by running some codes on your system or you can also download and prefer using some windows repair software online that can fix such problems automatically.

There are also many fixes that you can try out to solve this error code on the Windows system. So please follow the below fixes one by one and try to solve your problem by yourself.

Fix #1. Try using Windows Repair Software

One of the easiest and first steps to fix this issue is by installing and running windows repair software. You can download it online and then just follow the steps given on the screen to solve your problem. Or you can follow the step-by-step guide below:

  • Download and Install PC repair tools like Restoro, OutByte, etc. from the internet.
  • After installing the software open it and click on the Analyze button to check out what’s causing the problem.
  • Now the software will point out all the repairs the PC needed to perform to do so click on the Repair All option showing on your screen.
  • At last, after repairing all the abnormalities or problems with your system try using the PC again and see if the 0x0 0x0 error code is solved or not.

Fix #2. Perform Disk Clean Up on your PC

Everyday computer usage pile up many unnecessary or junk files on your system and it is safe to clean up such waste files from time to time. Keeping such files on your system can slow down or degrade the performance of your Windows PC.

And such files can also lead to some unnecessary errors and issues so you should delete such files from time to time. And perform Disk Cleanup to remove such files from your PC. Cleaning up these temporary files may fix your problem and can also fasten your PC.

Fix #3. Check for your Windows Update

Sometimes outdated windows can also lead to many problems so it is safe to check for windows updates from time to time. Developers regularly roll out updates to solve such errors and glitches reported by users.

So it is recommended to regularly check Updates and if there is any pending windows update then do it as soon as possible. After the update check, if your problem is solved or not, and if not then move to the next fix below.

Fix #4. Perform a full Malware scan

There is a chance that a 0x0 0x0 error on your windows occurred due to the Malware files on your system. So it is recommended to perform a regular Malware scan on your PC to find out such files and clean them from the system.

Such Malware files can result in many issues or errors on your PC including the Windows error codes like 0x0 0x0.

Fix #5. Check and Update System Drivers

It is good for you to keep your device drivers up to date, especially your graphics driver. An outdated device driver may lead your system to several problems and issues and Windows error codes like 0x0 0x0 can be one of them.

So it is best to keep checking on your device drivers and keep them up to date so there will be no issue related to outdated or old device drivers. You can also use certain tools that are available online to check and update your systems device drivers one such tool is: DriverDoc you can get such tools from the internet and automate the update process.


Here we tell you how you can fix the windows error code 0x0 0x0 easily using the above fixes. In any case, if you still got stuck with your problem then we recommend that you prefer experts. Or you can contact us anytime we will try to reach you as soon as possible and fix your problem.


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