Pubg Mobile Unban in India is now one of the biggest blockbuster news in present, Pubg Mobile is one the biggest hit game of all time in India but unfortunately due to some tension between countries India and China, India banned game giving the reason for Chinese partnership and insecurity of users data which is more than enough for the ban of any game in a country.
Pubg Mobile and Pubg Mobilelite were banned along with some other Chinese apps which include TikTok, ShareiT, cam scanner, etc. The Ban on the game was imposed by the government months ago and now Bluehole has decided to come back PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite in India with a new partner company not with Tencent.
As per the latest news and reports, it is informed that the game is going to relaunch on Diwali 2020 i.e. on November 14. The company said it will be the Diwali gift for all Pubg lovers and users who are eagerly waiting for Pubg Mobile Unban in India.
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Pubg Mobile Unban in India
On October 30, Chinese company Tencent has taken its hands back from Indian servers of the game and handed IP rights back to Bluehole (Krafton Inc.) which is a South Korean gaming company and the company behind the birth of the game.
As we know Tencent is a Chinese gaming company and the ban is happened only because of a partnership with Tencent due to tension between both countries China and India. Now the game is no longer part of China but South Korea so now Bluehole will handle all the updates and data of the users.
PUBG PC and consoles which are getting no Ban because they have no links with Tencent or China directly or indirectly so now we can imagine that if Bluehole wants to relaunch PUBG mobile and PUBG mobile lite in India without a partnership with Tencent they will definitely get a green signal and the government may launch the game officially once again.
All the information are according to the news and reports for a final confirmation of the PUBG mobile Unban in India we have to wait for the official statement from Bluehole and Indian government.